
Friday, December 13, 2013

Yellowstone 2013!

Over Labor Day weekend, we decided to pack up and head to Yellowstone for the weekend and for Treyson's first vacation! We had a lot of fun and saw lots of animals! Treyson was such a trooper the whole time, even driving for hours and hours through the park! Man did we get spoiled with such a happy baby! 

I've never been to Yellowstone before and it didn't disappoint at all! It was beautiful and to think we just saw one area of the park! I see another trip in the future!

While we were waiting for the rest of my family to get ready to head into the park we went to the Yellowstone Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. Treyson really enjoyed being able to see animals up close and personal. While we were there, they had a bunch of kid volunteers come out and hide animal for the bears. Eventually they let the bears come back out and they tore through the wood piles to find the food! It was a lot of fun to watch! So much fun in fact that Treyson tried to feed his shoe to the bears!

Pretty lucky to have such a cute little family!

There were elk everywhere around the park.  This cute little family was living just outside one of the "town" areas. 

Did I mention how beautiful it was? I mean absolutely breathtaking! Just like that cute baby of ours!

So much fun with family and memories that will last a lifetime!

 Until next time Yellowstone! Thanks for having us!

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Gorgeous pics! Ooooh, meee, oooh, myyy I'm dying to go there! It will be a 'must see' in 2014 for us.

Your lil' family is just so dang cute. ;0)