
Saturday, December 14, 2013

9 Month Checkup!

9 Months Old: September 2, 2013
Height:  29 inches (75th %)
Weight:  19 lbs 2 oz (39th %)
Head:  47 cm (95-100 %)
Clothing Size: 9-12 months and some 18 months
Diaper Size: 3
 Likes: his favorite thing has to be his pets (poor Trouble and Kimber handle him very well), loves his mommy and daddy, loves his grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles, still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, loves playing with his toys and kicking his soccer ball, loves lights, anything that makes noise, loves playing with stuff he's not supposed to, likes to facetime with his grandparents, still loves watching videos of himself, and loves to talk and laugh. Your favorite thing has probably turned into bath time! You love it!! 
New Things: You officially turned into a crawler and have been walking along our furniture, you love to walk with your little motorcycle too, you have 8 teeth now, you started eating more solid foods, you are talking more and more - starting saying kitty, puppy, mama, dada, and other random things. You are very adventurous and want to get into everything and put everything into your mouth!
Dislikes: Still not a huge napper, but have started sleeping through the night again! Mommy and daddy are ecstatic about that! You are not a very big fan of foods with textures. You don't like when mommy and daddy tell you "No" and get the saddest pout on your face.

You have been so much fun to watch as you are growing up and turning into a little man! Mommy and daddy love you so very much!

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