
Friday, December 13, 2013

9 Months Old!!

On September 2, Treyson turned 9 months old! Although I have been HORRIBLE at blogging and should've made myself post these updates while they were happening, I'm going to try to do the best I can. 

Treyson had 8 teeth when he was 9 months old! He was and still is one of the happiest little guys! He wasn't sleeping through the night at this point. He was on the go and into everything. He was a professional crawler at this point and was already getting into everything! He was eating very good and had lots and lots of energy! He loved and still loves the Fisher Price apps on my phone and these helped so much in Yellowstone! He found a new liking for ice cream and is now obsessed with it. He was still walking around with things and holding on to furniture.

Treyson was still eating baby foods, but he started having a lot more of other solid foods at this point. He never has really had a problem chewing his food and has always been pretty good about it. This little guy's personality is soooo much fun! I feel so bad that I didn't update at the time he turned 9 months, but we have all just been super busy! It is my goal to get all caught up on blogging during winter break! Wish me luck and stay tuned for more pics of this cute guy!

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