
Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm kind of pathetic.

Last night we put Treyson to sleep in his crib for the first time. Now that he's feeling better and his bassinet is getting pretty snug we figured it was about time. It kind of broke my heart a little knowing my little boy is already growing up so fast- yup I'm pathetic. Plus he is sleeping like a champ and I've been up all night. If I'm having this hard of a time letting him just sleep in the room next door I can't imagine how hard it will be to go back to work!


Alison said...

I put off putting Lila in the crib til 4 months, I'm pretty pathetic too haha! I'm so glad to hear he is feeling better, what a little trooper!

Munchy's Mama said...

Ooooh, don't be too hard on yourself. It's HARD!

Going back to work after Munch was one of the hardest things I had to was tough! But with Evie, I expected the worse and it wasn't nearly as bad. It will get easier, I promise.

Glad he's feeling better and sleeping well!

xoxoxo ~M

Unknown said...

It's so tough not having them right there by your side. Eventually you will sleep like a champ too and enjoy your rest-filled nights. Hang in there!

Adrienne and Philip said...

Awe thanks guys! You make me feel better. It's getting easier, but I still wake up way too much to check on him haha