
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2 month checkup... Round 2


Today we were finally able to complete Treyson's 2 month appointment. My little boy is getting so big (even if his stats say otherwise). 

2 Months Old: February 2, 2013
Height:  23 inches (8th %)
Weight:  10 lbs. 10 oz. (35th %)
Head:  40.5 cm (The percentile is never on our stat sheet, but it was like 90-95%, our boy has a big head)
Clothing Size: 0-3 months
Diaper Size: 1
Likes: Mom & dad, tummy time, the music and light mirror on your activity pad, staring at your puppies, sleeping, anything with music, your mobiles on your mamaroo and in your crib, talking, cartoons, playing with your toys, chewing on your hands, bath time, flirting with girls, and staring at lights and ceiling fans.
New Things: Today at your appointment you laughed for the first time! It was the absolute cutest thing ever! Melted your mom's heart. You're also talking a lot more and learning how to use your body- grabbing things with your hands, lifting your head, almost rolling over.
Dislikes: The doctor. I think after all of our trips to the doctor and to the RSV clinic you're about done with them. You also hate when your nose is being suctioned out. Being in your carseat without moving. Other than those things you are a very happy baby.

Treyson was all smiles waiting for the doctor to come in and I was able to snap some really cute pictures. Of course my phone died right after these pictures and Treyson had his first laugh. Like I said, cutest thing ever.

 Poor Treyson crashed after his appointment. The shots really did him in and made me feel super bad. The doctor gave us a positive report and said that even though he is on the lower ends of his stats he is still doing great. Treyson was losing weight when he was sick and since his last appointment he has gained a full pound so hopefully we're on the track of not being sick at all anymore and we can get Treyson to keep growing strong and big! The doctor kept commenting on how incredibly strong Treyson was and that he was ahead of his age in his strength. Plus all the nurses everywhere we go are in love with how cute Treyson is (he is a super flirt with them too).

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