
Monday, February 21, 2011

Forever can never be long enough for me, To feel like I've had long enough with you

Valentine's Day

This Valentine's Day was like no other Valentine's Day I've ever had. Philip and I decided that we weren't going to go "all out" this year and we were just going to make it about us and having time together as a couple. I had scheduled the day off awhile ago and decided to take it since my manager needed Friday off at work. Philip had to go into work for a little bit so I decided to try and sleep in. When I woke up, this is what I woke up to...

Not only did I wake up to that but I woke up to a rose, 2 candy bars, and a cheesy card. I was not expecting this at all. It was such an awesome surprise!

Then we decided to treat ourselves to a present for each other... Gym memberships. I'm so excited that we finally have gym memberships!

To top it all off we finished our night with a romantic dinner prepared by me. Lobster, twice baked potatoes, Martinellis, the whole thing!

This year I'm not just thankful that I had someone to spend Valentine's with, but that I had my husband, my best friend to spend the day with. I can't even explain the feeling of being able to have Philip in my everyday life. To be able to wake up to him in the morning and go to bed with him at night. I'm so glad thankful that God brought us together!

Disclaimer: When I say cheesy card. Philip and I are huge fans of cheesy cards. We basically have competitions to see who can get the best. I LOVE my cheesy cards I get. 

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Oh. That is the sweetest thing. Got me a little misty-eyed. So sweet!