
Monday, November 21, 2011

Crafty Christmas

Every year at work each team gets together to make a basket (or other miscellaneous things) full of different things so that it can be bid on for charity. This year somehow I got tricked into making a wreath with gift cards to random food places.  A "Food For Thought" wreath.
Here's a picture of the wreath before I added the gift cards in. I don't really think the picture does the wreath justice. It turned out so cute! It's amazing what $25 at Hobby Lobby can do.
Picture is from my phone so it's not very good quality

I added on some fake gift cards of the different food places my team pitched in to buy gift cards to and this is the final project. I'm a little bummed that I didn't make this wreath for our house, but at least it's for a good cause and all of the money that people spend to bid on our wreath will be going to charity. Who knows maybe I'll put in a bid and bring it home? (Most likely not, I've never won before haha)


Erin said...

Very nice, AJ! You are a crafty queen! I'm impressed. :-D

Munchy's Mama said...

I want one!! You crafty lil' devil. Super-cute idea.