
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy happy 26th birthday!

So Philip turned 26 this year. After giving him a hard time after how old he is now (well actually I'm still giving him a hard time) we had a good day. We thought Philip would be working swing shift on his birthday so Saturday night after putting up our first Christmas tree (I'll post pictures on a separate blog), we went to one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate. Tepanyaki! Tepanyaki is a Japanese Steakhouse for those of you who don't know and it is super yummy! Plus with the meal we order we always have leftovers and those are just as good. It was so nice to get out with Philip and to be able to celebrate his birthday. 

On his actual birthday, I took the day  off thinking he'd be working that night so I would get to spend a little time with him, but he ended up not having to work and we got to spend the whole day together. I could have those more often. We had so much fun. First we woke up and were just lazy, watched some Toy Story. Now watching that and being a little older you can see the grown up humor in it too. So funny. Then I talked Philip into going to another movie (thank goodness Philip is awesome at sales and wins free gift cards). We stopped by my mom's and picked up his birthday present which he loved (UofU clothes) then off to see Megamind. We loved it. It was a good movie and it was fun seeing it in 3D. After the movie we went and did a little window shopping (the joys of being a newlywed haha). I forgot what it's like to go out and actual do stuff. Who needs to spend money to have a good time. To finish our day off we went to Salt Lake and looked at the lights on our church. It is so neat. They have a couple songs and the lights match up with songs. Two of our favorite things Christmas songs and Christmas lights. Such a good time. After finishing up the lights at church we enjoyed dinner with Philip's parents at La Costa. One of our favorite restaurants. 
All and all it was a great day. I loved being able to spend all day with Philip. We haven't been able to do that for a long time. I love my husband and love that our birthdays are still special days to us.

1 comment:

Love, Erin said...

Wow, AJ! You throw a fun birthday! Just so you know, mine is on Sept 20 and I'm thinking I'd like to do the following: Watch Toy Story, Eat at Tepanyaki, Eat at La Costa, decorate a Christmas tree and see a 3D movie, while wearing U of U clothes. You have plenty of time to plan this. Thanks in advance. :-D