
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 Month Checkup!

4 Months Old: April 2, 2013
Height:  26 inches (87th %)
Weight:  15 lbs. 1 oz. (44th %)
Head:  43 cm (The percentile is never on our stat sheet, but it was like 90-95% again!! Our boy has a big head and we love it!)
Clothing Size: Some 3-6 months and some 6-9 months! He is sooo chunky now!
Diaper Size: 2
 Likes: Mommy and Daddy, anything with bright colors, bath time, talking, Kimber, cuddling, all of your toys, your activity pad, all of your relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, telling stories, smiling, laughing, being tickled, spitting up on people and having poopy diapers- you always seem to laugh after you spit up on someone or when someone has to change your poopy diapers, music, lights, looking at yourself in the mirror and watching videos of yourself, and sooo much more I can't even think of it all.
New Things: The doctor gave you the clear to start eating baby food, you are talking and laughing up a storm, you communicate and are very aware of your environment, you are one strong baby and can keep your head up very well, you're rolling over a lot and starting to try and kick your feet so you can crawl, you will talk and talk and talk, you love petting your pets, love playing in your bouncer, and you are just one big happy boy!
Dislikes: Baby cereal- I'm not sure if you'll catch on to this one or not, when mommy and daddy are busy, and nap times. That's really all I can think of right now. Treyson really is an awesome baby!

 Treyson did a million times better with his shots this time! I think it's because daddy came to his appointment so he had to impress him! 

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