In case you haven't noticed, I fell behind on blogging once again 😳! I was going to just start updating with current events, but I just couldn't skip a whole year! Especially after looking at these pictures and how much Treyson has grown. It's crazy the changes that happen in a year! Here will be a few blog throw up posts mostly with pictures and then I'll get to all the exciting things happening today!

We love to have paint nights at our house!
How can you not love this handsome face?
Sometimes you just have to dance in your snow boots and underwear, am I right?
We decided to go on a drive out to Bear Lake one day. It was such a pretty drive, here's some pictures from our drive.
Treyson loves to take over our bed... Looks pretty comfortable right! Later this morning this is how he felt on his drive to Grandma's house. Mondays are rough!
I laugh at this picture because it so reminds me of Philip, just like daddy!
Sleepovers with Kenadee! She is the sweetest to Treyson.
Treehouse Museum! Side note: my boy has grown soooo much in a year. Makes me sad!
We've been fixing up some stuff in our house so we can sell it, Treyson has been lots of help!
A boy and his pup!
Sick days 😕
We love Snapchat!
New big boy bed!
Fun at the aquarium with GoGo and GoDaddy!
Still manage to squeeze in date night every now and then!
Trouble obviously loves me so much haha!
More cousin time at the Hill Aerospace Museum Easter Egg Hunt!
Because band aids make everything better right?
Love him!
Lowe's Build and Grow workshop with daddy! So sad they stopped doing these.
Easter Sunday!
And of course some Space Jam time with daddy!
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