The most exciting thing happened at the end of March/beginning of April, my mom retired!!! I am so beyond excited for my mom and happy that she was able to retire. I can't think of a person that deserves it more. We had a surprise dinner planned for her with the whole family in order to celebrate. Congrats mom!
Philip and I even got an impromptu date after, so fun!
Zoo days!
Treyson started preschool!
He also started playing soccer again, love watching him!
More Real games!
Awe Kimber!
Treyson always helps his daddy mow the lawn!
We went to the sidewalk chalk festival in Bountiful! It's amazing what they can do!

We celebrated our 6 year anniversary with a weekend getaway to Park City. I hurt my foot really bad right before we had to go (see pics below) so it kind of made it hard to do a lot, but we still had a great time. We ended up doing a Paint Nite and a lot of low key things. Perfect weekend!
Six wonderful years married! Love you babe!
Treyson always helps vacuum (with his dump truck).
Happy 1st Birthday Bentley!
Melting Pot - YUM!!!
More soccer!
Wrapped up coaching these girls after a few years together. It was so bitter sweet! Miss them all, but love that I'm still able to keep in touch with them through Instagram and Facebook! Social media is amazing!
Miniature golf with Kenadee!
My baby at his preschool graduation!
Treyson's cousins from Oklahoma came into town for about a month. Treyson had sooo much fun with them and they were even kind enough to take him to Lagoon while we had to work. Treyson still talks about them being here constantly.
More fun with Treyson!
These two were inseparable, they'll be best friends forever!
We finally got to meet baby Carson! He's sooo cute!
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