Of course we went to more Real games, even Real games with fireworks! Seeing the look in Treyson's eyes watching fireworks was adorable. I fall more and more in love with this kid every day!

We of course spent the 4th of July with family and Treyson was spoiled by his cousins as usual. The love they have for him and show him is so awesome. We are pretty blessed with an amazing family!
Drive in nights!
A little bit of Roy Days fun with Grandma and Daddy!
And we went to some fairs!
And some more Real games!
We traveled to Vegas for my sister's wedding. We couldn't be happier for Sam and Randy, it was a beautiful wedding!
We had many soccer Saturdays!
Of course we went to the Utes games as well!
Lots of time spent at the park too!
Treyson is such a flirt, he can often be found with the cutest girl around.
I surprised Philip for Father's Day with Matt Kearney tickets. It was an amazing show! He was soo good, the only bummer was the crazy downpour that cancelled the last act of the concert. We still had a blast though!

We took Ivie to one of her soccer games and she came to a Real game with us after. Treyson loved having her there!
Treyson got to go to a Utah game with us, sad this will probably be our last time all going together for awhile.
My little minion had lots of fun trick or treating, at the pumpkin walk, and decorating pumpkins. We love Halloween in this house! Guard dog Kimber was also very tentative to her boy going to strange houses for candy!
We wrapped up Treyson's soccer season with a crazy battle wound. Poor guy was stepped on in the mouth with cleats. He'll still tell you all about it today. Check out his awesome sports real below. Can't wait to see him go pro! 😉
When Daddy busts you going number two!😳