6Months Old: June 2, 2013
Height: 27.5 inches (83th %)
Weight: 17 lbs. 15 oz. (58th %)
Head: 45.5 cm (95 %)
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and some 12 months! Big boy!
Diaper Size:3
Likes: Mommy and daddy, his grandparents, his pets (especially Kimber), talking, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, food, playing with his toys, scooting all over the place, staying up all night, throwing temper tantrums, his soccer ball, anything bright, sharing food with everyone, laughing, petting his pets, playing outside, swimming, bath time, his exersaucer, Real games, watching soccer with mom, talking on the phone, watching videos of himself, and soooo much more. You are turning into quite the active baby.
Things: You are rolling over like crazy! From your back to your tummy and your tummy to your back. You have two bottom teeth that are new since your last appointment. You are eating lots and lots of different foods. You are scooting around everywhere - so close to crawling. We better watch out because you will be on the go in no time. You can sit up by yourself for awhile now. You are saying "A.j." and "dada" along with a few other things more randomly such as "I love you."
Dislikes: Naps and sleeping through the night right now. A week or so ago you decided that you no longer want to sleep through the night. I hope that this is a phase because momma and daddy are EXHAUSTED!! You also hate when mom or dad walk out of the room and leave you alone. You have learned to throw quite the temper tantrum.