
Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Little Fishy!

 A couple weeks ago, Treyson went swimming for the first time and although he was very apprehensive at first it turned into a good time.

Such a cute little fishy that I have. Love him and now swimming is one of his favorite things to do!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6 Month Checkup!

  6Months Old: June 2, 2013
Height:  27.5 inches (83th %)
Weight:  17 lbs. 15 oz. (58th %)
Head:  45.5 cm (95 %)
Clothing Size: 6-9 months and some 12 months! Big boy!
Diaper Size:3
 Likes: Mommy and daddy, his grandparents, his pets (especially Kimber), talking, Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, food, playing with his toys, scooting all over the place, staying up all night, throwing temper tantrums, his soccer ball, anything bright, sharing food with everyone, laughing, petting his pets, playing outside, swimming, bath time, his exersaucer, Real games, watching soccer with mom, talking on the phone, watching videos of himself, and soooo much more. You are turning into quite the active baby.
New Things: You are rolling over like crazy! From your back to your tummy and your tummy to your back. You have two bottom teeth that are new since your last appointment. You are eating lots and lots of different foods. You are scooting around everywhere - so close to crawling. We better watch out because you will be on the go in no time. You can sit up by yourself for awhile now. You are saying "A.j." and "dada" along with a few other things more randomly such as "I love you."
Dislikes: Naps and sleeping through the night right now. A week or so ago you decided that you no longer want to sleep through the night. I hope that this is a phase because momma and daddy are EXHAUSTED!! You also hate when mom or dad walk out of the room and leave you alone. You have learned to throw quite the temper tantrum. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Dress Up Like Hipsters!

 Last week Philip and I were able to go see Taylor Swift not for the first or the second, but the third time! Once again she put on an awesome show! Love her concerts.

 This was her opening act Ed Sheeran. He was really good too!

All the lights and the phones on during the show. It looked awesome!

Just some pics from the concert. Seriously I don't think I will ever miss one of her shows if I have the opportunity to go! So much fun and so worth it!

Our seats weren't as good this time as they have been in the past, but we still had a blast. Thanks so much for my anniversary present babe! Love you and I love Taylor Swift!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

6 Months Old!

Treyson turned 6 months old today! This little guy is on the go and has such a personality, just like his daddy. He has learned to throw temper tantrums if you walk out of the room. He loves his puppies and kitty and has conversations with them more than anyone else. He is rolling all around and talking like crazy. He can be heard saying "A.j." and repeating a majority of what you say. He loves to laugh and to smile especially when he's smiling at pretty girls. This kid is a flirt! 

Treyson is also eating us out of house and home. He loves to eat! He loves pretty much everything he has tried, but some of his favorite are when grandma shares her yogurts with him and when he gets to eat some ice cream from mommy and daddy. 

Treyson also has started to love watching TV. Some of his favorites are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Sesame Street. He loves his activity station that his Aunt Sandy gave him and can spend a lot of time just having fun in there. He also loves his activity pads that he has at our house and at his grandma's house. He is really starting to play with his toys and having a blast with them.

Treyson is just a happy and handsome baby! He is very social and loves being the center of attention (I wonder who he gets that from?). We are so in love with this little guy and he makes everyday a new adventure! Love you Treyson! Can't believe it's already been half a year! You have forever changed our lives for the better!

My Little Roly-Poly..

A few weeks ago Treyson started rolling over from his back onto his tummy. I can't believe all the changes that keep happening. Man he is growing up so fast! Soon he'll be crawling. He's already kicking his legs like crazy trying too. He can scoot around a little bit. I'm sure he'll be crawling in no time!

Anniversary Fun!

I can hardly believe that 8 years ago Philip and I went out on our first date and 3 years ago we were married at a rainy outdoor wedding. I'm so glad that 8 years ago I agreed to go out on a date with Philip and then agreed to go on a second date with him even after he was on his phone almost our whole first date. We've definitely had our ups and downs, but I am crazy in love with this guy and now our little Treyson. I love my little family!

We had to take the day after our anniversary off for Majesta's graduation so we decided to stay the night in Salt Lake and actually go out on a date. Something that doesn't happen very much anymore. Thankfully Philip's mom was more than willing to watch Treyson for the night so that we could make a date night happen. We both had all these ideas of stuff to do - dinner and a movie, dinner and something, dinner and anything haha and .... We had dinner at Melting Pot then had to check into our hotel and both decided that we were exhausted and went to bed. Ya that's how cool parents party now days. Regardless it was nice to have a night out together! Love you Philip - here's to many more years!!

Treyson's First Word

You always hear about how a baby's first word is mama or dada - ya know something like that. Welp.. Not this kid. Somehow Treyson has caught on to me being called A.j. and constantly says "A.j." all the time now. Funny kid! You can hear him saying it at the end of this video when he was supposed to be taking a nap, but decided having a party in his crib would be a lot more fun!


I know, I get so far behind on blogging sometimes. Being back at work, being a mommy, being a wife, and a student sometimes means that I fall behind on things. We have been crazy busy the last month or so since I last blogged. Here's some random pictures from the last month! 

 Philip and some of my caretakers spent the day in bed with me a couple weeks ago taking care of me.
 Yes, I bought Treyson his first soccer ball... Gotta start him young.. (p.s. He loves it!)
 Treyson visiting his grandpa-pops (my pop) for the first time. Really wish he could've met him in person.
 This kid amazes me. Wakes up for the simplest things at home and sleeps through a crazy-loud Real game haha
 Over Memorial Day weekend we decided to go to the Motor Vu Drive In with my whole family. We had a blast and Treyson enjoyed taking up the majority of the room in my Jeep!

 My handsome hubby and me at the drive in. So fun!
 Treyson sandwich. As you can tell he loved it!
 Treyson in his swing as a newborn and in his swing at 5 months. So crazy. Time needs to slow down!
 Obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
Grandma and Treyson by the Lego polar bear at the zoo!