When I say this I completely mean it... Nothing is routine lately. Life is completely crazy and there are about a million and one changes in all that we do. I can tell you probably the only constant lately is the fact that I am so crazy in love with my husband and I am 100% convinced I married the best man ever!
Philip absolutely loves his job! He tells me how great it is. He wakes up excited for work and has absolutely no problem making it in everyday. I am so proud of him. Not only has Philip been great at work, but he has been carrying a lot pretty much all of the weight at home lately. He cleans, he does laundry, and he has been my rock lately. I know it's so cliche and cheesy, but I can say without a doubt in my mind I don't know if I could have made it through these past 3 weeks without him. Life has been a rollercoaster for me and Philip just makes everything feel right. I don't know how else to put it other than he's pretty much amazing!
My emotions have been so crazy lately. I don't know how Philip manages to keep up with them. I started my new job and it has been harder than I thought. I miss being able to see Philip everyday. I miss my routine. I miss just being able to eat dinner with Philip and watch our shows. It is so crazy the things we take for granted. Swing shift is just rough for me. You don't realize all the things people who work swing shift have to sacrifice. My mom is an amazing woman for all the years she worked swing shift just so my family could have a better life. I look up to her even more now.
Philip and I now see each other Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. Monday - Friday Philip works 9 am - 6 pm and I work 3:30 pm - 2:00 am Monday - Thursday. The only time we see each other during those days is when I come home at 2 am and it's usually, "how was work?", "I love you and miss you", "Goodnight, sweet dreams." Maybe I'm a crybaby and maybe other people are stronger than me or more independent than me, but I love Philip so much and I hate spending so much time apart.
Philip and I are usually rotating turns talking me through my new job. It's a lot of it will be worth it, just remember why you're doing it, we have to have faith that everything will work out, and a whole lot of praying that I can get on dayshift sooner rather than later.
The actual job on the other had is getting so much better. The first 2 1/2 weeks I was on my feet for 10 hours a day constant bending and standing up to file stuff. I would come home and just cry I was in so much pain. Then the next day it was back to work to start all over. So rough! Now I finally started to get trained (the government does things so backward I know) and I really think I will like the job a lot. I work with a lot of great people, they're so kind, nice, and accepting. A lot different than my last area. I will be getting TONS more experience which will help with my career, plus the $$$$ I definitely can't complain about. I know this is short term (not sure how short), so I can make it through it. I am doing this for us. I want a better life for us. I want a better life for me and that comes with challenge. My last job was so easy for me and hardly any challenges came along except for with different personalities. I learned so much from my last job the past 2 years. I have always been shy and quiet and I definitely am not that same person as I was. Not that I'm the most outgoing, but it has helped me so much. I miss my old friends, especially one of my best friends Sharyl and the best manager and one of the best friends I've ever had Linda. These two are some of the most amazing people you will ever meet. Linda and I had such a good relationship when I was offered the new job she started crying. Truly she has made such a difference in my life and helped me to strive for more in my career and to want more out of life. Truly amazing people. I am excited for all the challenges in this new job. To learn all the different programs, to expand my knowledge, and just to get that feeling that I'm getting more out of life. I know that Philip and I decided on me taking this job for a reason. I know everything will work out.
Like I said my routine has been crazy. I am so tired at work and then I come home and I can't sleep. I guess that's why I'm up at almost 4 in the morning writing this. Then I don't want to wake up. When I finally force myself to wake up I usually have time to catch up on a TV show or 2 and make me some lunch then it's off to work. We were starting to go to the gym, but once we were on different schedules that stopped for me. Not that I've needed it with all the squats and heavy lifting I've been doing haha. Philip has still been going and he's liking it. I plan to hopefully here soon get on some kind of "routine" that works for me with this new schedule. I've been trying to set my alarm to get up and go work out, but like I said my body hurts so bad I just want to lay in bed. It's rough after having the same routine for 2 years to just up and change it one week, but it will get better. I will adjust to it hopefully sooner rather than later.
Who's the cutie you may ask? That's our nephew Harrison. I was so excited to get to see him and his parents Michael and Heidi when they came in for a visit from Arizona. It may have been short, but it was definitely sweet. Harrison has SO much energy and such a cute personality. I enjoyed watching him on the Frontrunner and then chasing him at the Frontrunner station. We went to get some ice cream after and he wouldn't share with his Uncle Phee or Graydaddy but he would share with his Aunt A.j. I love the few times a year that I get to see them and hopefully when they come to visit next I will be back on dayshift so I can see them more.
As I mentioned we went to get ice cream with them. Philip and I found this really cool place for ice cream that we had to have them go to. The place is called Subzero Ice Cream. It's so AWESOME! They make your ice cream in liquid form and totally freeze it right in front of you! How cool is that? Harrison had a blast with all the cold smoke going over his hands and catching it in his mouth. Really though you have to try this place. I know there's one in Centerville and they just opened one up at the junction in Ogden. Visit their website for more locations- totally cool!
Another thing that's changing is that my brother Luke will be moving out this weekend. Philip is pretty bummed out about it. Him and Luke have a really good relationship. They love video games and making dinners together. It's been great to have my brother here for almost the first year of our marriage. People would always ask me about him living here and if we hated it and we both would always say we loved it! It's been a great experience and we're both definitely gonna miss having him around. We know it's for his best interest though, so good luck Luke with everything. We'll miss ya!
There's a lot of other crazy things going on that I better hold off on until another post. All in all though our lives may be completely crazy right now, but there is no one in the world I would rather share all the craziness with other than Philip. Like I said he's been my rock and he's been amazing through all of this. My family has been awesome too. I really couldn't have made it through these last 3 weeks without them. They always offer the best words of encouragement and are ALWAYS there for me. What can I say? I'm totally lucky and blessed for all I have. As my pop would say all you gotta do is "keep on truckin!"
1 comment:
Grrr...I'm a blog-reading slacker! I haven't been on my RSS feed for over two months and I missed, like, 8 of your posts. I had to reply to this one to tell you that we loved seeing you too (for a few hours at least) and that we look forward to our next visit when you are on a DAY SHIFT.
Enjoy your D.C. trip!
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