
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The One

2. When you knew he was the one: self explanatory.. but how and when did you know?

I can't really remember an exact moment when I knew he was the one. I knew from the beginning I loved him and that I didn't want to live without him. I just think there were a ton of smaller moments that made me just know.. 

Although Philip is the COMPLETE opposite of me in so many ways those ways are all why I fell in love with him and why I knew he was the one.

Like I said when I met Philip it was a few months after my pop had passed away and I don't really remember laughing until I met him. No matter how bad of a day I was having Philip would always make me laugh. Rather it be from his quirky personality, his jokes, or just something he did without knowing it was funny, there was never a day where he couldn't make me laugh. 

Philip is also very carefree. Now sometimes this is a problem, but I look up to his carefree personality so much. I am a complete worry wart and stress about anything and everything. I will just lay there at night thinking and Philip will tell me just tune it out. How he does it I have no idea, but I look up to him for it so much. He always reassures me that things will get better and to just live. Now I know I will never be as carefree as he is but it's nice every once in awhile to just have him there to remind me to live a little and that sometimes you just need to have fun and not worry about everything. 

Another reason I knew he was the one is he is SO SO SO supportive of me and anything I do. He has always been my own personal cheerleader to get me through life's tough moments. He supports me in everything I do and never fails to be there for me when I need him most. There is not a moment I can think of in the past 6 years that he wasn't at least a phone call away to just be there for me. Seriously he supports my crazy decision to take a swing shift job even though we don't see each other as much and he's been there every step of the way to encourage me and help me through it. 

Although there are a million more reasons why I knew Philip was the one, all I can really say is I just knew. I knew from the first time I saw him that I wanted to be with him. I saw myself marrying him and having a future together. I couldn't imagine a day without him there. So sometimes really you just know and that's the best I can explain it.

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