
Sunday, January 5, 2014

12 Month Checkup!

12 Months Old: December 2, 2013
Height:  30.5 inches (74th %)
Weight:  21 lbs. 1 oz. (45th %)
Head:  48 cm (95th %)
 Clothing Size: Mostly 18 months and some 12 months
Diaper Size: 3
 Likes: His pets, television- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, Daniel Tiger, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Dinosaur Train are some of his favorites, being read to, Mommy and Daddy, playing with his cousins, being spoiled by his grandparents, smiling, laughing, being tickled, his vehicle toys, playing and watching soccer, you are obsessed with yogurt melt snacks, you love your mom's ipad especially the Fisher Price apps, you love running, playing peek-a-boo, and where's Treyson (you put your hands on your ears and think you're hiding)

New Things: You are pretty much eating only big kid food, you have 14 teeth, you are starting to say more and more words, you started walking since your last check up and your walk has turned into a run, your hair is finally growing, you have started becoming more picky with food, you play with your animals a lot and have become more interactive with them, you started sleeping through the night again, and you have become obsessed with electronics. You are also completely off formula and bottles! WAHOO!! You have started waving and clapping.
Dislikes: you have started being picky with foods- vegetables and other foods that you used to love. You hate it when you don't get your way. You don't like going down for naps, but have stopped fighting them as much.

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