We hope everyone had a great Christmas! We had a lot of fun with our family this year!
Here are a couple of pictures of our family before Christmas Eve service at our church. Aren't Treyson and Philip so handsome?

After Christmas Eve service we went to a family party for a little bit and then it was time for Treyson to open a couple of presents! Treyson got some cute pjs that he could sleep in before Santa arrived and a book to read before bed time.
After Treyson opened his presents, we sat down for my family's Christmas Eve tradition. Every year growing up we read the Twas' the Night Before Christmas story in a giant coloring book and colored some pages. I love being able to do this and it is so much fun to look at the pictures we've colored since Philip and I were married.
Some pictures from Christmas morning. Treyson was so funny with his presents, after opening them he decided that he needed to stand on them. He was pretty spoiled with lots of toys, books, and clothes!
My sister Sandy had her appendix out just a few days before Christmas so we ventured out to her house to visit and what do you know... Treyson and Heston had some matching pjs! Heston is so cute with Treyson and loves to give him loves! It's going to be so much fun watching them grow up together!
We enjoyed spending lots of time with family on Christmas and eating lots of yummy treats! Thanks to everyone who spoiled us on Christmas!