
Sunday, July 7, 2013

7 Months Old!

 7 months already? Where is time going? Treyson turned 7 months old on July 2. I can't believe how fast time is going by. Treyson now has 4 teeth and is so close to crawling it's crazy.. When you think about 4 teeth you think the bottom middle teeth and top middle teeth. Nope Treyson is doing things his own way and now is a proud owner of fangs up top. I would get a picture, but he doesn't let anyone near them.
 The past month Treyson has decided that he no longer wants to sleep through the night. I mean he must be missing out on what mom and dad are doing right? He has to take advantage of being with us at all times. We're hoping now that his fangs broke through he will go back to being our amazing sleeper. Other than not sleeping through the night Treyson is a happy go lucky baby. We constantly hear comments about how happy he is and how he smiles all the time and for the most part he does. The only time Treyson really gets fussy is when it's nap time and occasionally bed time. We got pretty lucky with him!
We just love this little guy and are trying to cherish every moment we get with him. He truly is the best thing to ever happen to us and we are so completely blessed to call him our son. We love our little Trey-Trey! I'm sure next months pictures will be here before we know it. :)

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

He is soooooo cute! Wow-- 7 months already?? Hooray for Trey-Trey!

"Hillbilly Teeth" are the best! ;-)