April 13, 2012
Well it's official! We're having a baby! April 11 we finally got to see our Baby T for the first time. You may ask why Baby T, well both of the names we have picked out for you rather you are a boy or girl start with T. We are expecting you right around your dad's birthday. The due date that you are measuring at would be 12/8/12 and your dad's birthday is 12/7. So far we haven't told anyone else that we are expecting you. We want to keep you our little secret until we know a little more about you. I don't know if your dad is playing by the same rules though. I know how he is. We plan to start telling our families on Mother's Day starting with your grandparents. We've been thinking of fun creative ways to tell them, but so far there is no definite plan.

We go back in April 26 to see your little heartbeat. We can't wait! We're really hoping that the next two weeks go by fast so we get to see you again. So far I haven't been too sick or anything mostly just tired which isn't good with finals next week, but I'll make it through. Your dad is a little worried about how your taste buds are going to come out because all I want it spicy food. Jalapenos, banana peppers, salsa, you name it and I've been craving it. In fact I had chips and salsa for breakfast today!
Your dad has been very cute with you and is just as excited to meet you as I am. He texts me randomly throughout the day just to tell me how excited he is. It's kind of funny because we went out looking at baby stuff the other day and although he was excited I think for the first time I saw him actually showing a deep concern about bills. Usually your dad is very carefree and doesn't stress that stuff. Now that you're on the way we're seeing a whole new side of him. This ought to be interesting. All in all, we just can't wait for next December. We can't wait to meet you, to hold you, and of course to show you off to everyone! We love you Baby T!!
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