
Monday, March 17, 2014

15 Month Checkup!

15 Months Old: March 2, 2014
Height:  32 inches (78th %)
Weight:  22 lbs 4 oz. (41st %)
Head:  48.5 cm (95th %)
 Clothing Size: 18 Months, 24 Months, and some 2T
Diaper Size: 4

 Likes: Treyson is a little obsessed with his pets. By obsessed I mean he has figured out how to drive his cars into them and chase them around the house, when they run he thinks they're playing with them. Treyson is also a big softy for his grandparents. He loves to be cuddled and loved on by them. He loves his mama and dada too and has started to give us lots of big sloppy kisses. HE LOVES BOOKS! I think he makes us read to him at least 50 times a day. He is also obsessed with his own voice and constantly babbles and tells himself jokes all day long. He likes to play soccer, basketball, or any other sport really. He also loves, loves, loves to be outside. It's a constant battle to keep him inside. Loves Dinosaur Train, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Sesame Street, and Daniel Tiger. He loves to be the center of attention and doesn't mind one bit to have everyone looking at him and clapping for him. He loves to scream "DADA" and make Philip come look at whatever he's doing.
New Things: Treyson has mastered the task of going up and down stairs. So much in fact that he does this on repeat on a continual basis. He has also learned to climb on the couch, on his toys, in the bathtub, you name it he probably climbs it. Treyson is more independent now and will play with his toys more. He has still been pretty picky with food, especially since getting sick. Although he loves milk, it has been his worst enemy lately (I miss sleep). Treyson isn't just walking anymore, he full on sprints! Trey signs for more and all done. He shakes his head when he doesn't want something. He's started to talk and tell us exactly what he does want. His favorite thing to say is "What is that?" Treyson is a major dancer now! He loves to shake his booty!
Dislikes: Nap time, being told No!, going inside, a lot of foods (at least we know you'll always eat chicken nuggets), sitting in a high chair, not being able to constantly run around, when the dogs and cat don't want to play, and when mommy and daddy leave.

To be honest, there's not much that Treyson doesn't like. He is a pretty lovable and fun little guy! He is the biggest flirt I know and never misses an opportunity to flirt with a cute girl he sees. Today at the store a lady smiled and waved at him and he greeted her with the biggest green and cheesiest laugh. He loves the ladies! He has started to tell us jokes (we really have no idea what he's saying) and his laugh is the cutest thing. We just love our little Treyson!

Sunday, March 16, 2014


I am kind of horrible at updating! Woops! A lot has been going on! Treyson was really sick, we had family come into town, we went snowboarding, still both going to school, still working, yada yada yada......Our little Treyson turned 15 months old at the beginning of the month. I'll update his stats when I get a free minute! But one really exciting thing happened! Philip landed an awesome job at HAFB and we are so proud of him! Not to mention he was offered the job a day after finding out his work was closing! We went out last night to celebrate and had a lot of fun. Tepanyaki and Boondocks are always a good time! We are all so proud of Philip and I know I'm way excited to have him home more! Love you babe and in case I haven't said it enough, I'm so proud of you!