
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What Treyson Thinks About Rice Cereal....

After Treyson's 4 month appointment we attempted to feed him rice cereal... These pictures depict how it went...

Good thing a bottle makes everything all better!

In case you're more into the whole video thing with the sound effects here you go! He was not a happy camper!!

Round 2 did go a little bit better...

After round 2 we attempted bananas and he was crazy for them. So Philip and I have been sticking more to baby foods rather than cereal. My mom has been attempting the whole cereal thing and she says he's taking to it more and I say more power to you grandma haha. My mom is a rockstar with Treyson and I'm so thankful for her and Philip's mom for watching Treyson. He is definitely so loved by his grandparents and it truly is an amazing thing to see. It's something that I never really experienced growing up so I hope Treyson knows how lucky his is!

4 Month Checkup!

4 Months Old: April 2, 2013
Height:  26 inches (87th %)
Weight:  15 lbs. 1 oz. (44th %)
Head:  43 cm (The percentile is never on our stat sheet, but it was like 90-95% again!! Our boy has a big head and we love it!)
Clothing Size: Some 3-6 months and some 6-9 months! He is sooo chunky now!
Diaper Size: 2
 Likes: Mommy and Daddy, anything with bright colors, bath time, talking, Kimber, cuddling, all of your toys, your activity pad, all of your relatives - grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, telling stories, smiling, laughing, being tickled, spitting up on people and having poopy diapers- you always seem to laugh after you spit up on someone or when someone has to change your poopy diapers, music, lights, looking at yourself in the mirror and watching videos of yourself, and sooo much more I can't even think of it all.
New Things: The doctor gave you the clear to start eating baby food, you are talking and laughing up a storm, you communicate and are very aware of your environment, you are one strong baby and can keep your head up very well, you're rolling over a lot and starting to try and kick your feet so you can crawl, you will talk and talk and talk, you love petting your pets, love playing in your bouncer, and you are just one big happy boy!
Dislikes: Baby cereal- I'm not sure if you'll catch on to this one or not, when mommy and daddy are busy, and nap times. That's really all I can think of right now. Treyson really is an awesome baby!

 Treyson did a million times better with his shots this time! I think it's because daddy came to his appointment so he had to impress him! 

4 Months Old!!

When you have a kid, time goes by faster than you ever thought possible before! I mean look Treyson is already driving! haha Okay Okay.. He's just driving his car bouncer, but still is he really already 4 months old?

When are these monthly pictures going to stop mom? I mean you do them every month!

 It's crazy to look at all the changes that happen month to month. My little boy is getting so big! He is soooo full of life. So much so that his busy little body is blurred out in some of these images!


 Busy boy on the go, who needs to stop and take pictures anyway?

I can't believe how big his is after just 4 months! Now he is a little chunky boy!

 So in love with this boy!

Treyson's First Easter!

 Treyson woke up bright and early and found his Easter basket that the Easter Bunny left for him! He was so excited about it as you can tell below.. I'm sure he's saying give me a break, I'm still tired mom.

Then we were off to church. As you can tell Treyson usually catches a good nap after church. 

I don't know why, but this picture cracks me up... "You seriously have me in this bib?" 


 And of course some pictures of our little ham in his Sunday best. Treyson is one happy baby, I love getting to spend these moments with him. We really are soooooo blessed to have him in our lives!

My mom got Treyson this really cute giraffe toy for Easter that he is obsessed with! He takes it everywhere now!


Treyson's First Real Game!

 A little over a week ago, Treyson got to go to his first Real Salt Lake game! We had a blast together. He loves watching soccer at home and he loved the games when he was in my belly and guess what? He loved being at the game. He watched the game and the people around for a good majority of the time. It was a blast being able to go to the game as a family!

Treyson watching the game, he didn't want to miss any goals being scored. I might add that he might just be Real's lucky charm. As soon as he arrived at the game they scored and they walked away with a W that night too! :)

 By the end of it all we had one tired baby! He sure slept good that night!