After Treyson's 4 month appointment we attempted to feed him rice cereal... These pictures depict how it went...
Good thing a bottle makes everything all better!
In case you're more into the whole video thing with the sound effects here you go! He was not a happy camper!!
Round 2 did go a little bit better...
After round 2 we attempted bananas and he was crazy for them. So Philip and I have been sticking more to baby foods rather than cereal. My mom has been attempting the whole cereal thing and she says he's taking to it more and I say more power to you grandma haha. My mom is a rockstar with Treyson and I'm so thankful for her and Philip's mom for watching Treyson. He is definitely so loved by his grandparents and it truly is an amazing thing to see. It's something that I never really experienced growing up so I hope Treyson knows how lucky his is!