On Treyson's 11 month birthday, he decided that he wanted to become a "walker!" For the longest time he has been able to walk with toys and along our furniture, but has been scared to attempt walking on his own. Well.... Not anymore! Treyson is now on the go more than ever! So proud of my little boy!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
11 Months Old!
My handsome little Treyson turned 11 months old on November 2, 2013! This little boy is sooo full of life and is definitely a handful. He started getting into everything and never wants to sit still! He loves to laugh and can frequently be found laughing at his puppies and kitty. The bottom right picture shows his relationship with Kimber. He loves her! Whenever she walks into the room he is all laughs and smiles. He has made taking these monthly pictures extremely difficult by not wanting to sit still, but I still managed to get a few good ones! The picture above shows how much he loves candy! I think his daddy passed this trait down to him because they are both candy junkies!
He has grown up so much in the past 11 months and still continues to surprise me by how much bigger he gets every month! I absolutely love getting to spend time with him. He has really been more active and taking an interest in more things. He is talking a lot more too!
We love you Treyson!
11 Months Old,
Month Birthday,
Treyson Isaac Gray
This is Halloween, This is Halloween!
Treyson's Halloween costume! Any guesses on who he is??
Treyson dressed up as Carl (when he was a kid) from Disney's Up movie. I think it was a success!
And the aftermath of Trick-or-Treating! Think he's related to Philip? Those two are candy addicts!
Carl Fredricksen,
Disney's UP,
Halloween Costume
Disneyland or bust!!
At the beginning of October, Philip and I had planned a vacation to Disneyland with just us. We were going to leave pretty early and spend the day/night in Vegas, but Treyson had other plans for us. After finding out at the beginning of the week that Treyson had his first and only ear infection thus far, we started him on antibiotics right away. The doctor's choice of antibiotics - amoxicillin. Totally fine right? He's had amoxicillin before when he was sick.... Welp! As I was finishing up packing for our trip and getting ready to go pick up Philip from work, Treyson broke out in a MAJOR rash all over his body. So of course I had to rush him to the doctor. All in all, we switched his medicine and it made it incredibly hard to leave him for the weekend, but we did.
We pulled in to Vegas pretty late, but we still had a good time. The pictures are the view from our room. We were upgraded to a suite and it was pretty awesome!

The next day we arrived in California and spent some time in Downtown Disney to pick up our tickets and just look around. There were all of these amazing artists painting, using chalk, and drawing on the sidewalks. I wish I would've taken more pictures. They were awesome!
Some Disney Lego characters in Downtown Disney.
Then we spent two days in Disneyland and had a blast! It was very crowded, but spending your birthday at the happiest place on earth... Can it get any better? I loved the Halloween decorations everywhere!

It was also a lot of fun to spend time with Philip! It was very hard leaving Treyson for 4 days, but I loved having time with Philip!
This is Halloween. This is Halloween! I LOVED IT!
Random pictures of the rides and us in front of the castle! This was the busiest it's ever been at Disneyland for me, but Philip assured me that it can be way worse..
Our second day at Disneyland. So much fun! Love my hot husband!
That cupcake on the bottom right was one of the best cupcakes ever! Philip and I probably bought 2 or 3 more while we were there because they were that delicious! We're suckers for good cupcakes! We also had to get a picture of a Dumbo shrub because Treyson loves Dumbo!
So long Disneyland! We will see you again next year!
Family Vacation,
Monday, December 16, 2013
10 Months Old!!
I keep telling this little boy to quit growing up, but he doesn't listen. On October 2, Treyson turned 10 months old! He sure has changed from his 6 lb 13 oz self and his personality keeps growing and growing! He is just the sweetest little guy ever and loves to laugh!
Treyson is obsessed with his puppies and kitty and loves to play and laugh with them! Every day when I come home from work that's the first thing he does!
Treyson also loved to jump on his bed, look at trains out our dog door, and push around his motorcycle! He was on the go and soooooo close to walking! He would take steps around our furniture without paying attention, but was so scared to try walking on his own. That didn't stop him from getting into everything! He is such a busy body!
We just love this little boy and love watching him grow up even if it is sad at the same time! Happy 10 month birthday to our little guy!!
10 Months Old,
Month Birthday,
Go Utes!
We took Treyson to the stripe the stadium game vs. Utah State at the beginning of the season and even though it was super, super hot at first we had a lot of fun going to the Utah game as a family!
Did I mention how hot it was? My boys still look handsome as ever though!
My adorable little family!
Can't wait to make it a family tradition to go to the Utah games as a family! I love my family and I love that we're all Utes fans! Go Utes!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
9 Month Checkup!
9 Months Old: September 2, 2013
Height: 29 inches (75th %)
Weight: 19 lbs 2 oz (39th %)
Head: 47 cm (95-100 %)
Clothing Size: 9-12 months and some 18 months
Diaper Size: 3
Head: 47 cm (95-100 %)
Clothing Size: 9-12 months and some 18 months
Diaper Size: 3
Likes: his favorite thing has to be his pets (poor Trouble and Kimber handle him very well), loves his mommy and daddy, loves his grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles, still loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, loves playing with his toys and kicking his soccer ball, loves lights, anything that makes noise, loves playing with stuff he's not supposed to, likes to facetime with his grandparents, still loves watching videos of himself, and loves to talk and laugh. Your favorite thing has probably turned into bath time! You love it!!
Things: You officially turned into a crawler and have been walking along our furniture, you love to walk with your little motorcycle too, you have 8 teeth now, you started eating more solid foods, you are talking more and more - starting saying kitty, puppy, mama, dada, and other random things. You are very adventurous and want to get into everything and put everything into your mouth!
Dislikes: Still not a huge napper, but have started sleeping through the night again! Mommy and daddy are ecstatic about that! You are not a very big fan of foods with textures. You don't like when mommy and daddy tell you "No" and get the saddest pout on your face.
You have been so much fun to watch as you are growing up and turning into a little man! Mommy and daddy love you so very much!
9 Month Checkup,
9 Months Old,
Growing Baby
Friday, December 13, 2013
9 Months Old!!
On September 2, Treyson turned 9 months
old! Although I have been HORRIBLE at blogging and should've made myself
post these updates while they were happening, I'm going to try to do
the best I can.
Treyson had 8 teeth when he was 9 months old! He was and still is one of the happiest little guys! He wasn't sleeping through the night at this point. He was on the go and into everything. He was a professional crawler at this point and was already getting into everything! He was eating very good and had lots and lots of energy! He loved and still loves the Fisher Price apps on my phone and these helped so much in Yellowstone! He found a new liking for ice cream and is now obsessed with it. He was still walking around with things and holding on to furniture.
Treyson was still eating baby foods, but he started having a lot more of other solid foods at this point. He never has really had a problem chewing his food and has always been pretty good about it. This little guy's personality is soooo much fun! I feel so bad that I didn't update at the time he turned 9 months, but we have all just been super busy! It is my goal to get all caught up on blogging during winter break! Wish me luck and stay tuned for more pics of this cute guy!
9 Months Old,
Handsome Baby,
Month Birthday,
Treyson Isaac Gray
Yellowstone 2013!
Over Labor Day weekend, we decided to pack up and head to Yellowstone for the weekend and for Treyson's first vacation! We had a lot of fun and saw lots of animals! Treyson was such a trooper the whole time, even driving for hours and hours through the park! Man did we get spoiled with such a happy baby!
I've never been to Yellowstone before and it didn't disappoint at all! It was beautiful and to think we just saw one area of the park! I see another trip in the future!
While we were waiting for the rest of my family to get ready to head into the park we went to the Yellowstone Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center. Treyson really enjoyed being able to see animals up close and personal. While we were there, they had a bunch of kid volunteers come out and hide animal for the bears. Eventually they let the bears come back out and they tore through the wood piles to find the food! It was a lot of fun to watch! So much fun in fact that Treyson tried to feed his shoe to the bears!
Pretty lucky to have such a cute little family!
There were elk everywhere around the park. This cute little family was living just outside one of the "town" areas.
Did I mention how beautiful it was? I mean absolutely breathtaking! Just like that cute baby of ours!
So much fun with family and memories that will last a lifetime!
Until next time Yellowstone! Thanks for having us!
Family Vacation,
Treyson's First Vacation,
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Treyson at 3 Months!
Better late than never. Here are Treyson's 3 month pictures. Crazy to see how much he has grown since then!
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