It's official! I am the worst blogger EVER!! I've been telling myself for months that I needed to blog about all the craziness going on, but haven't found time or energy to do so. We have had quite the busy summer!
A few months ago we got together for a baby shower for my friend Brindy. It was a lot of fun just to get together. A month or so later we got to meet her little Ryder. He is adorable and Treyson can't wait to meet his best friend already.
We also went to the Days of 47 Rodeo this year and it was a blast! I can't believe Philip has lived in Utah his whole life and he had never been to a rodeo before. Crazy! He didn't really understand the whole thing, but I think he still had a good time!
This guy was the one armed bandit or something like that. He rode his horse with one arm, well most the time just using his legs to control the horse. He put on an excellent show! The craziest part was he even got those two HUGE buffalo to jump on the back of the truck and climb on that trailer. Have you ever seen a buffalo jump before? Didn't think so haha
And of course what would a rodeo be without a little bull riding?
Next stop.... The Weber County Demolition Derby! Philip and I try every year to make it to at least one demolition derby. They're a blast! Treyson must think so too because he was moving around like crazy to the noise of the cars. Definitely the most I've felt him move. He's going to make his uncles very proud with his love of cars already.
And what would the summer be without a bunch of Real games to attend to. I must say it's been a lot harder to go to these games this year being pregnant, but I still love them! Treyson loves the games too! He moves around a lot at the games. It's pretty fun to already be sharing a lot of our favorite things with him.
August is also a crazy birthday month for us. We have sooo many family members with birthdays. Our weekends were definitely packed celebrating them all. The cute girl above is our niece Kenadee! She turned 6 years old this year and started 1st grade. I was horrible with my camera so this is from her first day of school courtesy of Facebook.
Next weekend was Majesta's birthday party. Crazy to believe our oldest niece is now 17!! When Philip and I first started dating she was only 9 years old. Now she is a senior in high school. Time goes by so fast!
Last weekend was Heston's 1st birthday! I can't believe he's already a year old. It seems like just yesterday I was visiting him in the hospital and now he's walking around like crazy! Although he is a momma's boy I was able to snap some adorable pictures of him once he realized I wasn't going to leave him alone.

And what kind of momma would I be if I didn't show off some cute pics of our pets kids.
Tootsie and Bentley are still the same puppies they've always been. They just love to cuddle and be lazy. Literally.. I'm pretty sure that if Philip and I laid around all day long everyday they would never leave our side. Unless we're going to grandma's house. They sure love their grandma.
Trouble still keeps us entertained with her hunting escapades. I'm pretty sure the mice population has dwindled down quite a bit because she's moved on to birds lately. We don't see them as much thankfully. We still love our Trouble kitty - I would advise to never name an animal Trouble though (the name sticks with them).
What can I say about Kimber... This dog is definitely teaching us a thing or two about patience. She is the smartest dumb dog ever! We love her very much, but when I come home to a huge Kimber nest of chewed up goodies I'm pretty sure I could take her right back to the pound. One day I came home from work and she had decided to raid our entertainment stand and chew up about 5 or 6 of our dvds. What kind of dog likes dvds? Apparently her because she's also chewed up both of our ultrasound dvds. Yes both. We replaced the first one that she chewed up and not even a week later she was on the hunt and found the next one. This is among the aluminum cans, cough drops, medicine, and other random things she likes to chew. Needless to say she is now kenneled during the day and doesn't create as much of a mess. Now if we could just get her to stop taking our shoes outside at night everything would be good.
Treyson at 20 weeks!
He is yawning... So cute!
Of course the thing I should be blogging about most I've completely failed on! I am now 27 weeks pregnant and really don't have much to show for it. I rock maybe a small bump on most days. I am constantly receiving comments about how "small" I am and how I don't even look "pregnant." What can I say? Treyson pretty much still hates me eating food. I have a few good days here and there, but I have still been pretty sick. I still hear a lot that it will get better so hopefully it does, but I'm not crossing any fingers at this point. I'm just looking forward to December, I mean it has to stop then right? haha
We didn't receive a very good ultrasound pic at our last appointment because Treyson was busy showing off his "textbook perfect heart" according to the doctor. He was so impressed by his heart that he said if he was teaching a class he would show that video because it clearly showed everything. So far everything with Treyson looks great! He is right on track with where he should be and has passed every test with flying colors. No concerns at all. I guess I can be sick if it means he is doing great! We go back in on the 19 and I have the glucose test so we'll see how that goes. I can't believe Treyson will be here in 3 short months. We definitely have lots to do!
Of course I have to share this little gem we bought for Treyson. We can't wait for him to be here!