Well as most of you know we welcomed our little Treyson into the world on December 2. I know it's almost a month later and I'm barely updating our blog, but it has been a super busy month! After 24+ hours of labor Treyson came in weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and was 20 in long. It was a very LONG 24 hours, but totally worth it.
The whole room was full of smiles once Treyson was here and Philip was one proud daddy!
My mom likes to tell the story about how she was holding Treyson and Philip walked by and said something and Treyson started looking everywhere for Philip. He instantly recognized his voice and knew exactly who he was.
Our very first family picture. Such a special moment that Philip and I will never forget. It's amazing how instant your love is for someone you barely met. We both sit here and wonder what we did before Treyson because we can't imagine our life without him now. He's amazing.
Philip's parents with Treyson.
My mom and Treyson

Our cute little Treyson! Man we are so in love already!!
There is no way that I thought I could love Philip more than I already did, but after seeing how great of a dad he is just makes me love him that much more. Treyson really has the best dad ever. Philip has been amazing with him.
Unfortunately because I was in labor so long I spiked a fever and Treyson had a fever when he was born because of it. This made him have to go into the TLC Nursery and the next morning Treyson's pediatrician sent him to the NICU because of some other health problems.
Although it was hard for us to see Treyson in the NICU, we knew this was what was best for him and we visited him as often as we could. It was so sad to see how many machines he was hooked up to and very hard to hold your baby when he's wrapped up in so many cords, but Treyson is a fighter and only had to spend a couple of days in there. He's our little champ!
Like I said in the last post Treyson had some CRAZY bruises. I felt so bad for him. You can see how bad they are in some of these pics.
Poor Guy!

Treyson's first bath in the NICU
Our cute little guy was such a trooper through all the pokes, IVS, and everything else he went through.
So glad our time in the NICU wasn't that long and he only had to spend a couple days in there. It was pretty hard checking out of the hospital and not being able to take him home with us. Just glad we only had one short night without him there, like I said we couldn't imagine life without him anymore. Treyson is such a blessing to us!