Ever since we came home from DC we have been crazy busy! So crazy in fact we still haven't had a chance to celebrate our anniversary with just us.. Hopefully in a couple weekends we can make our way to the Zermatt in Midway. I definitely can't wait to have a sweet but short staycation with Philip and to practice our golf skills! Here's what we've been up to lately..

Trouble is never too busy to take a nap and make sure she is getting in some quality cat nap time.
CC and me |
My best friend since jr. high Adam |
A few weekends ago we had our friends over for a BBQ and had a great time. I didn't pull out the camera until the night was almost over so I don't have that many pictures, but I am just so thankful for the awesome friends we have. Seriously we are so incredibly lucky to have them in our life. Love you guys!
Me and Kierstin |
CC and me again |
<3 |
Have a mentioned that we have season tickets to Real Salt Lake? Pretty sure I have a million times, but this Summer we have been crazy busy going to games almost every weekend and sometimes during the week too. I couldn't ask for a better way to spend our time though.

So last Saturday we decided to take a trip to Park City with my mom in tow. It was a blast! We did a lot of shopping, ate at one of our favorite restaurants Baja Cantina, and did some sight seeing of course. I once again didn't pull the camera out until the very end. A few years back my mom and I took a trip to Park City and decided to stop in a random cemetery. I don't know why but I've always liked to stop in random cemeteries just to check them out.. Creepy maybe, but I kind of like it. Anyway the first time my mom and I went into the cemetery in Park City and saw this headstone. It says "Remember man as you pass by, As you are now so once was I, As I am now you shall be, Prepare for death and follow me." Yikes! How creepy is that?

Of course this 4th of July proved to be just as busy and crazy as usual. We started the day of with going to the parade and park with my family. I love traditions and my family has gone to this parade for as long as I can remember. It is so fun now to see my nieces and nephew grow up in the same traditions. Plus it's a total bonus to have a bunch of cute kids around so Philip and I can snag all the candy we want. After all the fun we packed up and went to the Real game. Now can I just tell you how awful the officiating in this game was? It was a nightmare! It didn't take away from our fun night though. After the game they retired Jason Kreis' jersey. He is now our coach, but used to be a player. This has never been done in MLS before so it was pretty cool to be a part of the ceremony.
After we waited around for the fireworks to start and snapped some pictures. So glad that Philip loves sports as much as I do and still loves me even with my RSL obsession.
Okay so apparently even though RSL knows how to play soccer, they don't so much know how to throw a firework show. This is the worst one I've seen in my many years of being a fan and going to these games. So before their show was even over we ran to the car to listen to the post-game show and to find some other fireworks.
I'm convinced this should be a root beer ad |
We made it out to Layton, pulled of the freeway and had an awesome view of the fireworks show. We look a bit ridiculous trying to take some pictures with fireworks in the background, but we managed. I know we are crazy-busy and sometimes we get so worn down we wonder how we're going to make it to the next time we are able to relax I don't think either of us would want it any other way. If we weren't always on the run I'm sure we would get too comfortable being couch potatoes and well. I think the image speaks for yourself. Hopefully by next time I blog I'll have more pictures and by then hopefully we've celebrated our anniversary since we're almost a couple months out now. (0: