Never again will I change my name! I am soooo worn out right now..
Financial aid is a complete mess..
Trying to change my name on all my bills is a complete nightmare.
Ordering new checks, just more money out the door..
On the bright side, the Social Security was a breeze.. Walk in, and walk out with a new name. Although you may only change it 10 times in your lifetime.. Once is good enough for me thanks. Good thing Philip is worth it. (:
That ends my vent...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My Husband

Lately, I have been so lucky to have Philip in my life. He is my rock. Although I have lived on my own moving out this time is definitely a different feeling. There is no turning back, being able to move back in with my mom. This was completely exciting to me and very scary. I had a hard time adjusting at first. It didn't help that a week after we came back our house got broken in to.
I get off work at 2:30 and Philip doesn't make it home till 6 or 7. We get about 2 or 3 hours to spend together at night because I need to go to bed to wake up early. At first those 2 or 3 hours were spent trying to get our house in order. Man! It was definitely hard, but Philip has been there for me through it all..
There are so many things I love about Philip.
He is my best friend
He has a fun carefree attitude that definitely helps me unwind.
He can make me laugh at anytime (even when I'm mad)
He's an awesome cook and has no problem coming home from work and making dinner when I'm exhausted
He is 100% supportive of me and tells me how proud he is of me
He has asked me everyday this week, How was Day 1 of the new job? How was Day 2 of the new job? It really just shows me how much he truly cares
He will work overtime if we need extra money
He does small things for us to have fun without spending money
I love that he is 25 and is still ticklish
He is going to make the best dad (he is amazing with kids)
My family is so in love with him and he is great with them
He is always the first to apologize (even when I should be)
There are sooo many more reasons, but this year with him has definitely been the best. I can't believe after 5 years you can still keep falling more in love with someone everyday. I know I don't tell you enough, but thanks babe for everything you do for me. I'd be "lost without you."
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The post you've all been waiting for... OUR HOUSE!
Okay. So I know there aren't tons of pictures, but these are the only two rooms that I feel are done enough to share online. Well our bathroom is too, but I just haven't got around to taking pictures.. Two days before our wedding, May 19, 2010, we closed on our home! What a great feeling. We've both owned cars, but I don't think either of us felt as accomplished as we did when we bought our house. It's a 4 or 5 bedroom (depending on who looks at it, I say 4 with an office realtor said 5), 2 bathroom, 1 living room, and 1 family room house. Everyone always asks us why we bought a house so big to start out in or bought a house period and to this question I always say "Why not?" We absolutely fell in love with this house the moment we walked in the door. After months of house hunting and many failed attempts we had just about given up. We had talked earlier that day and had literally decided this was our last day of looking. Enjoy the pictures and hopefully more will be up soon.
Our kitchen table from Philip's parents. We absolutely love it. (Don't mind all the food in the background it's from our BBQ)
Our fridge. Man was this a chore to put in. Thank goodness my brother is a handy man and helped us out tons. We had to raise our cupboards and take the top off the counter to the right and put it on differently. I was seriously stressing out so bad, but my brother came to the rescue and made it fit just right. Thanks John.
Our stove and microwave are also brand new. We just had a white fan above the stove place before so we decided that since we needed a microwave anyway to put in an above the range. This was also a VERY snug fit, but once again my brother came to the rescue. I love how it looks.
Our dishwasher and sink. Not so much to look at, but before we moved in we had a white dishwasher (the only appliance in the house) so we decided to upgrade that to black too.
Our living room ( I absolutely love our furniture)
Other view of our living room.
That's all the pictures for now and decorations will be coming soon. As soon as the other rooms are more presentable I will post pictures of them. Being a house owner is DEFINITELY more work than Philip and I imagined, but I can't imagine a better place to start our lives together.
We have SO many birthdays in August to celebrate! It has been crazy. Every weekend in August we have had a different party to go to. This time it was my niece Majesta's birthday party. I first became an aunt at the age of 7. My first niece was Majesta and it's hard to believe that she was born 15 years ago! Man I'm getting old. I have always looked at Majesta as a little sister almost in fact I still get asked if she is my little sister. I am so PROUD of my niece and who she has become and is still becoming. She is so full of personality and so outgoing (although she can be a little brat at times). I don't know where I would be without this little well I guess not so little anymore girl in my life. Happy 15th birthday Majesta! We love you sooooo much!
P.S. Everyone STAY OFF THE SIDEWALKS! You can now get your permit at 15 in Utah! Yikes! I can't believe this girl will be driving!
BBQ Time!
Welp! We finally decided that our house was in enough order to invite some family and friends over to show them our house and have a BBQ and man did we have a great time! We are so lucky to be blessed with the friends and family that we have that support us 100% in everything we do. I don't know where we would be without all of you. Thanks to everyone for your support and thanks to all who came out to have a good time!
Fishin' in the dark
I have been SUPER lucky this Summer to win some great concert tickets. Last Wednesday we packed up and headed for the Salt Lake County fair to enjoy some good ole' country music. One of my favorite bands from when I was younger, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, came into town and I knew I couldn't miss this one. I have so many great memories of their music and all of their songs remind me of my pop! Miss him so much and I know he would've loved to have been there..
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Hey, hey, hey, GOODBYE!!!!
A few years ago, Philip, decided to go out and buy a car. It was love at first sight and he walked away with the first car he test drove (even though I was very weary). Soon after ALL the problems began. A broken axle, window motors gone, and an engine knock that cost WAY more than the car was worth, but after all the money that was put into that car, we can finally say it's gone. WEIHOO!!!!
Last weekend we decided it was finally time to get rid of his jeep and purchase a car. His jeep was eating all our money away with the constant trips from Salt Lake. Plus his check engine light was on and off every other day (thankfully it was off when we traded it in) and it was eating oil as well..
Here is our new car. A 2009 Toyota Camry and thus far we are SUPER happy with it! (sorry the pictures are in the dark)

Last weekend we decided it was finally time to get rid of his jeep and purchase a car. His jeep was eating all our money away with the constant trips from Salt Lake. Plus his check engine light was on and off every other day (thankfully it was off when we traded it in) and it was eating oil as well..
Here is our new car. A 2009 Toyota Camry and thus far we are SUPER happy with it! (sorry the pictures are in the dark)
Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge!
This weekend two of our very good friends tied the knot. Philip and Tim have been friends since the second grade and we have known Sarah for a little while now. They are such a cute couple and we couldn't be happier for them. Congrats Tim and Sarah. You're wedding was beautiful!
Some of our other friends Adam and Nicole, they just got married in June. Their wedding was also beautiful..
Just us hanging out. I love my husband more than anything!
Happy Birthday Kenadee!
This weekend we celebrated my cute little niece's birthday. Kenadee Jean turns 4 years old on August 10 and boy did she make a cute little birthday girl. I asked her to stop and take a picture for me and she came up with this cute little pose all by herself.
We always love getting a little family time in so it was great to spend a few hours with them. I didn't get many pictures but we had a blast eating cake and ice cream. She was hilarious when she opened her presents. If there was one toy in the bag with clothes the clothes got tossed aside. So funny!
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